This video is something that every US Citizen should really be concerned about watch it for your own good
Monday, August 23, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Nearly Half of United States Considering Arizona-Style Immigration Legislation
As the battle over Arizona's controversial immigration law heats up no fewer then twenty two other states are now in the process of drafting or seeking to pass legislation similar to Arizona's law against illegal immigration. This is occurring despite the fact that the Obama administration has filed a lawsuit against the Arizona law and a federal judge has ruled against portions of the law, a ruling that is now being appealed. Next month, two Rhode Island state lawmakers, a Democrat and a Republican, will travel to Arizona to speak with Republican Governor Jan Brewer, local sheriffs and other officials about how to better craft their own bipartisan immigration bill for Rhode island, which already has been enforcing some federal immigration laws. Meanwhile 11 Republican state lawmakers from Colorado traveled to Arizona this week to meet with officials there, to find out how to craft the same type of legislation for the Mile High state also. In addition, Alabama House Republicans announced this week that they would seek to "push an illegal immigration bill similar to the recently approved Arizona law." This law would "create a new criminal trespass statute that allows local law enforcement to arrest illegal immigrants for simply setting foot in Alabama, "said Alabama's Minority Leader Mike Hubbard.
In Florida, proposed legislation against illegal immigration has been retooled to address some concerns raised by a federal judge who blocked the proposed bill, though it would still allow Florida state police to enforce immigration law.
In all there are 22 states considering copycat legislation from the Arizona law against illegal immigration, according to the Americans for Legal Immigration Political Action Committee (ALIPAC), a group that advocates stricter immigration enforcement.
Arizona's law mirrors federal law. It requires local law enforcement officers during a lawful stop to determine the immigration status of an individual by asking the person to show identification that residents are already required to carry by law, and it authorizes law enforcement to securely transfer verified illegal aliens to federal custody. The law prohibits racial profiling and gives state residents the right to sue local agencies for not complying with the state law.
In the lawsuit challenging the Arizona law, the Obama administration said the United States should not have a "patchwork" of 50 different immigration laws. In late July, U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton ruled against most of the major elements of the Arizona law, halting their implementation. That ruling is now in the appeals process. "We do not expand on federal law," Florida state Rep, William Snyder, the sponsor of the bill in his state told CNSNews.Com "We do not charge penalties. The goal is not to create a new immigration framework at the state level."
Snyder, the chairmen of the Florida House Criminal Justice Committee, said his staff attorneys have taken the decision by U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton into consideration in re-crafting their bill for the next state legislative session. Snyder said the office of state Attorney General Bill McCollum has reviewed the legislation, as have committee attorneys, and they believe it will withstand a potential challenge from the Obama administrations team of lawyers.
McCollum, a GOP candidate for governor, supports the legislation. However, Governor Charlie Crist, a Republican turned independent candidate for U.S. Senate, opposes the proposal. "We will continue to work with the language," Snyder said.
In Rhode Island, a bill that was introduced late in the session last year, thus never reached a vote, is expected to be reintroduced in the 2011 session. Its two lead co-sponsors hope to have a bipartisan bill that will withstand a legal challenge after they meet with Arizona officials.
"It exactly mirrors the Arizona law," Rhode Island state Rep, Peter Palumbo, a Democrat told CNSNews.Com. "We will tweak the bill." Palumbo will be going to Arizona with Rhode Island state Rep, Joseph Trillo a Republican.
Their legislation would essentially codify an existing executive order signed in 2008 by Governor Donald Carcieri, a Republican, mandating immigration checks on all new state workers and ordering state police to assist federal immigration officials.
This is Carcieri's final year in office, so Palumbo said it is important to put the force of law behind what has already been Rhode Island policy. State troopers report illegal immigrants they encounter for speeding and other offenses to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office.
Because of the executive order in 2008, corruption was discovered in the Department of Motor Vehicles, with drivers licenses being sold to illegal aliens Palumbo said.
In New Jersey, state Rep, Allison Little McHose a Republican, introduced a series of proposals that focused primarily on requiring employers to verify the legality of workers, and preventing state benefits from going to illegal aliens.
"New Jersey continues to be a sanctuary state for illegals because they know they can come to the state and receive many free benefits, like medical care." McHose said in a statement "the benefits may be free for those receiving them, but not the rest of the public because these costs are borer by the taxpayers."
Other states with proposals that mirror the Arizona law are Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Utah.
"We are very pleased to announce 22 states are now following Arizona's lead to pass versions of a law that has the support of 60 percent to 81 percent of Americans according to polls," said ALPAC President William Gheen in a statement, "State and federal candidates are rushing to display their support for Arizona's law and immigration enforcement. We will not stop until all American states are protected from this invasion as mandated by the Constitution of the United States." This Article Made Available Courtesy of
In Florida, proposed legislation against illegal immigration has been retooled to address some concerns raised by a federal judge who blocked the proposed bill, though it would still allow Florida state police to enforce immigration law.
In all there are 22 states considering copycat legislation from the Arizona law against illegal immigration, according to the Americans for Legal Immigration Political Action Committee (ALIPAC), a group that advocates stricter immigration enforcement.
Arizona's law mirrors federal law. It requires local law enforcement officers during a lawful stop to determine the immigration status of an individual by asking the person to show identification that residents are already required to carry by law, and it authorizes law enforcement to securely transfer verified illegal aliens to federal custody. The law prohibits racial profiling and gives state residents the right to sue local agencies for not complying with the state law.
In the lawsuit challenging the Arizona law, the Obama administration said the United States should not have a "patchwork" of 50 different immigration laws. In late July, U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton ruled against most of the major elements of the Arizona law, halting their implementation. That ruling is now in the appeals process. "We do not expand on federal law," Florida state Rep, William Snyder, the sponsor of the bill in his state told CNSNews.Com "We do not charge penalties. The goal is not to create a new immigration framework at the state level."
Snyder, the chairmen of the Florida House Criminal Justice Committee, said his staff attorneys have taken the decision by U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton into consideration in re-crafting their bill for the next state legislative session. Snyder said the office of state Attorney General Bill McCollum has reviewed the legislation, as have committee attorneys, and they believe it will withstand a potential challenge from the Obama administrations team of lawyers.
McCollum, a GOP candidate for governor, supports the legislation. However, Governor Charlie Crist, a Republican turned independent candidate for U.S. Senate, opposes the proposal. "We will continue to work with the language," Snyder said.
In Rhode Island, a bill that was introduced late in the session last year, thus never reached a vote, is expected to be reintroduced in the 2011 session. Its two lead co-sponsors hope to have a bipartisan bill that will withstand a legal challenge after they meet with Arizona officials.
"It exactly mirrors the Arizona law," Rhode Island state Rep, Peter Palumbo, a Democrat told CNSNews.Com. "We will tweak the bill." Palumbo will be going to Arizona with Rhode Island state Rep, Joseph Trillo a Republican.
Their legislation would essentially codify an existing executive order signed in 2008 by Governor Donald Carcieri, a Republican, mandating immigration checks on all new state workers and ordering state police to assist federal immigration officials.
This is Carcieri's final year in office, so Palumbo said it is important to put the force of law behind what has already been Rhode Island policy. State troopers report illegal immigrants they encounter for speeding and other offenses to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office.
Because of the executive order in 2008, corruption was discovered in the Department of Motor Vehicles, with drivers licenses being sold to illegal aliens Palumbo said.
In New Jersey, state Rep, Allison Little McHose a Republican, introduced a series of proposals that focused primarily on requiring employers to verify the legality of workers, and preventing state benefits from going to illegal aliens.
"New Jersey continues to be a sanctuary state for illegals because they know they can come to the state and receive many free benefits, like medical care." McHose said in a statement "the benefits may be free for those receiving them, but not the rest of the public because these costs are borer by the taxpayers."
Other states with proposals that mirror the Arizona law are Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Utah.
"We are very pleased to announce 22 states are now following Arizona's lead to pass versions of a law that has the support of 60 percent to 81 percent of Americans according to polls," said ALPAC President William Gheen in a statement, "State and federal candidates are rushing to display their support for Arizona's law and immigration enforcement. We will not stop until all American states are protected from this invasion as mandated by the Constitution of the United States." This Article Made Available Courtesy of
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Sheriff's Challenge to President Obama
Sheriff Paul Babeu of Pinal County Arizona, is issuing an invtation to President Barack Obama: If the president will come and spend a half hour with Babeu in Arizona, the sheriff says, he will convince the president he can succeed in securing the border and thus make himself a hero who transcends partisan politics. Babeu's southern Arizona county, while not contiguous with the border, has been designated by the Justice Department as part of a High Intensity Drug Trafficing region that is a major route for drug and alien smugglers bringing narcotics and illegal aliens into the United States from Mexico. Babeu has joined with Sheriff Larry Dever of neighboring Cochise County, Arizona which does sit on the border as well as with Arizona's two senators, John McCain and Jon Kyl, in endorsing a ten point plan for securing the border. Noting that President Obama has visited Afghanistan to assess the security situation there, CNSNews asked Babeu in a videotaped interview whether ne would like the president to visit with him in Arizona so he can have the opportunity to persuade the president that his plan to secure the border will work. " If the president gave me a half hour I am confident that I could convince him and show him the way that he can personally secure the border, and he would be the hero of everybody that truly transcends bipartisan politics and secures that border." said Babeu. "I believe that if a leader truly wanted to do that we have the means and the resources necessary to secure our border and to protect America once and for all, and then we can get to the point in the future, only after the border is secure, that there is some type discussion about what to do with the approximate 13 million people who are here illegally." The ten point border security plan backed by Sheriffs Babeu and Dever and Senators McCain and Kyl includes provisions to complete 700 miles of double and triple layerd dorder fencing, significantly increase the number of drone survelliance aircraft patrolling the border and deploy 3,000 National Guardsmen to the Arizona sector of the Mexico until the Govennor of Arizona in conjunction with local law enforcement officials certifies that the border is secure. In addition to serving as sheriff of Pinal County Arizona, Babeu has served 18 years in the Army National Guard, where he is now a Major. Babeu did a tour in Iraq, and also commanded Task Force Yuma a group of 700 Army and Air National Guard troops who worked with the Border Patrol on securing the US-Mexico border in Arizona.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Parts of US-Mexico Border To Dangerous To Patrol

Dever also said there were places where the Border Patrol had pulled back from the border in his county and in neighboring areas both in Arizona and New Mexico also.He was quick to point out that in Pinal County, 70 miles north of the border, the Bureau of Land Management has put up signs along a well known drug smuggling corridor to warn American citizens to stay away from the area because it is to dangerous, for them to be there. When provided with a transcript of Dever's statement about Border Patrol agents pulling back from parts of the border because its to dangerous. A CBP spokesperson said “There are areas down there in the Tucson sector where for officer safety reasons officers up on the line. However, we still have the means to detect illegal entry, whether its a sensor or a scoped vehicle. So the entry is detected, but the apprehension of the undocumented immigrant is not affected until they reach a safe area. This is article made available courtesy of CNSNews.Com
Monday, August 16, 2010
US Citizens Rally in Support of AZ Immigration Law

Even with last Fridays signing of a bill that provides another six hundred million dollars in funding for the US Border Patrol Department who is in charge of patrolling our borders, she Gorman and many other US Citizens and Politicians a like feel that the current administration policies are wholly inadequate. And although we at Americans Under Siege do not align ourselves with any political party, we whole heartedly agree with Gorman on this particular point.
At a time when Mexico's President Felipe Calderon has openly encouraged Citizens of Mexico to enter the United States illegally we must be overly protective of our southern borders to ensure that our citizens are kept safe and the flow of illegal drugs from Mexico into the US is kept to a minimum. We realize that it is virtually impossible to stop illegal entry into the US completely, but the current administration can and should do a great deal more then they are now.
There is a total of 1,969 miles of border between the United States and Mexico and the US Border Patrol has a total of 20,200 agents that are manning the border crossings and patrolling in the field. That means there are roughly 528 Border Patrol agents per mile of border, sounds like a respectable number right? However, this number doesn't take into consideration the number of agents needed to man the 42 legal border crossing points and their secondary inspection areas. These numbers also doesn't take into consideration the border patrol agents the are patrolling our Northern borders of the US and Canada either.
I recently read an article published by NBC News field notes that said “ illegal entry into the United States along the entire length of our southwest border has declined over the past year due to the poor economy in the US.
Apprehensions fell to 540.865 in 2009 from 705,005 in 2008. However drug trafficking activities have continued to rise.” It is these drug trafficking activities that represent the greatest danger to both Border Patrol agents and US citizens. We're giving you all this background information about the activities on our southern border because it supports the need for Arizona's Immigration law. Thinking logically it would also seem to support the need for the same types of laws in both California and Texas also.
There are many liberals that are screaming as loud as they can that Arizona's law is a violation of these immigrants Constitutional rights but we beg to differ with them, people that enter this country illegally are afforded no rights under the US Constitution. The US Constitution pertains to Citizens of this country, not people that have crossed our borders illegally.
For the time being we will have to wait and see how this all plays out in the courts, because last month a Federal Judge delayed the most contentious provisions of Arizona's law, including a section that would require police officers to check a person's immigration status while enforcing other laws if the have “reasonable suspicion” that the person is in this country illegally.
Supports of the law are quick to say that they don’t appose people from Mexico entering this country legally. However, if the law is upheld in Arizona's courts supporters say the will begin to apply pressure to the states governments of California and Texas to adopt similar laws in those states to try to curb the flow of illegal immigrants and drugs into the the United States through our southern border.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Tolerance or Ignorance
This story was first brought to my attention several days ago by a post, published to my wall by one of my friends on Facebook. Before going any further with this story, I'll explain what I mean by my wall. For those of my readers that don't know what Facebook is its a social networking site and your wall is a place where your friends or online associates can ask you questions, post comments to questions you've asked other members and comment on photos you've posted and so on and so forth. If you don’t have a Facebook account we suggest you open one it's a good way to stay in touch with loved ones and make new friends with like views and interests. Now back to the story.
Her post was in the form of a question, she asked, what do you think about the Islamic community in the United States wanting to build a Mosque at ground zero of the 9-11-2001 attack on the United States perpetrated by Osama Benladin and his army of Islamic Extremest Terrorists. At first I thought she was joking and just trying to provoke me into writing yet another article for my blog blasting Osama and his army of terrorists.
So before posting a response to her question I did a quick search of the internet and was astonished to find that she wasn't joking they really do want to build a Islamic Mosque at ground zero of the most atrocious act of terrorism ever committed against US Citizens in the 234 year history of this country
My first response was their kidding right, but unfortunately their not. But what I find even more appalling is there are members of our government that endorse the plan to build the proposed Mosque. After finding out that the story was true a couple of very important questions rapidly filled my mind and I'm sure the minds of any socially conscience citizens of this country.
I'm not necessarily recanting the questions in the order that they came to mind, but in the order that I feel is most important to my readers and other citizens of this country, that voted for our current President because he has openly endorsed the proposed Mosque, which doesn't really surprise me to be completely honest but for now lets get back to the questions. Have they the Islamic community in the United States and our elected officials forgotten that on September, 11th 2001 3,479 innocent citizens of this of this country lost their lives in this horrific act of terrorism committed by members of their religion? Before going any further I would like to clarify that last statement I wasn't implying that all members of the Islamic faith are terrorists but the plain and simple truth is we really don't know which ones are or aren't so in my mind it's much better to be safe then sorry and take a chance on loosing any more innocent American citizens to terrorist acts.
Furthermore have members of the Islamic community in this country and the members of our government who endorse this project considered the effect that the proposed Mosque would have on the survivors or the families that that lost loved ones in this extremely tragic attack against our country? In my opinion they haven't or they wouldn't have proposed building an Islamic Mosque on or near the site of such a tragic event. Putting aside religious, views has our government become so liberal that they have lost touch with the fact that it's their sworn duty to do their best to protect the citizens of this country from attacks like the one that happened 9-11-2001? I could be wrong but I for one believe so.
I'm not necessarily recanting the questions in the order that they came to mind, but in the order that I feel is most important to my readers and other citizens of this country, that voted for our current President because he has openly endorsed the proposed Mosque, which doesn't really surprise me to be completely honest but for now lets get back to the questions. Have they the Islamic community in the United States and our elected officials forgotten that on September, 11th 2001 3,479 innocent citizens of this of this country lost their lives in this horrific act of terrorism committed by members of their religion? Before going any further I would like to clarify that last statement I wasn't implying that all members of the Islamic faith are terrorists but the plain and simple truth is we really don't know which ones are or aren't so in my mind it's much better to be safe then sorry and take a chance on loosing any more innocent American citizens to terrorist acts.
Furthermore have members of the Islamic community in this country and the members of our government who endorse this project considered the effect that the proposed Mosque would have on the survivors or the families that that lost loved ones in this extremely tragic attack against our country? In my opinion they haven't or they wouldn't have proposed building an Islamic Mosque on or near the site of such a tragic event. Putting aside religious, views has our government become so liberal that they have lost touch with the fact that it's their sworn duty to do their best to protect the citizens of this country from attacks like the one that happened 9-11-2001? I could be wrong but I for one believe so.
One of the most wonderful reasons to be a citizen of the United States of America is the freedoms afforded us by the Constitution of the United States of America, we enjoy many freedoms that citizens of other countries don't have like freedom of speech and religion. However, there are no provisions in the US Constitution that provide these same freedoms to UN-naturalized citizens and residents aliens.
Because the founding fathers of this country based our Constitution on fundamental Christian beliefs and values we as a nation have allowed people from other countries to erect their houses of worship on our country's soil as a gesture of good will towards them and their beliefs. It is not their right to do so and as such can be taken away at any time. In my opinion we haven't taken away their ability to do so because, at the core of our country's Christian values system is a strong belief that we as a people should show good will towards all mankind no matter what they believe.
However, when as a Nation do we have to put our value system aside and say enough is enough? I truly believe the time to do so is now, before another attack is made against us, and more innocent Americans loose their lives unnecessarily.
I mentioned core values, because at the core of the Islamic belief system we as citizens of a western civilization are viewed as infidels and are to be dealt with as such. The word jehad means Holly war and has been used many times by members of the Islamic faith in the middle east to describe the conflict between the United States of America and the Nations of Islam, I don't claim to be an expert on the Islamic faith but I do know 100% for sure that the individuals that perpetrated the 9-11-2001 attack against the United States believed with all their hearts and minds, that they were committing an act that would earn them great rewards in heaven.
How can we as a Nation trust or defend ourselves against these types of beliefs? The truth of the matter is we can't. So are the members of our government that are endorsing this project trying to appease the terrorists in an attempt ward off any further attacks? If so it will more then likely be perceived by them as weakness on our part and provoke another attack even sooner. Because in my opinion we have no idea how many of these terrorists are still in this country just waiting to attack us again as soon as they manage to get all of the pieces in place.
The United States was in a very similar situation during World War II only at that time the threat to this country wasn't coming from the middle east it was from Japan. They to had they audacity to attack our country with the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The response by our government was swift and it wasn't wasn't to publicly endorse the building of a house of worship for the Japanese immigrants living in the United States, oh no they acted on their sworn duty to protect the citizens of this great country and rounded up every Japanese immigrant in this country and put them in camps where they could be monitored until they were no longer a threat to this country.
I realize that things are a lot different now then they were then and I don't advocate the imprisonment of innocent people. However, it is still our governments responsibility to keep us as citizens of this country safe from terrorists not to pander to them and allow their fellow country men to build a house of worship on the ground where they committed such an atrocious act of terrorism as the one committed against the citizens of this country on 9-11-2001.
In my heart and mind and I'm sure in the hearts and minds of many other citizens of this country the only thing that should be built on that hollowed ground is a memorial dedicated to the 3,479 innocent people who lost their lives because of Osama Benladin and his army of terrorists.
Friday, August 13, 2010
The War On Drugs In Mexico

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