A Political & Economic Summary of Our Party Objectives
■ Require and restore trust, integrity and common sense in government and its elected officials with greater accountability to its people.
■ Establish a Constitutional Amendment requiring government to operate under a Balanced Budget
■ Insist on strict adherence and interpretation of our Constitution by our representatives as intended by our Nation's Founders
■ Reduce the size, scope and control of our government over economic, business, entitlements and personal sectors
■ Demand and Institute long-term fiscal spending policies to insure inter-generational equity
■ Establish and enact a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution
■ Replace the existing Tax Code with either a national sales tax or Flat tax on all individuals and business while creating special incentive programs to encourage industrial growth and employment
■ Require Social Security, Medicare and Grant program reform eliminating the over $180 Billion dollars of entitlement fraud
■ Government to immediately begin to repay the borrowed trust funds to Social Security program
■ Government to begin paying down the national debit
■ Require Annual Auditing of the Federal Reserve
■ Eliminate the further use of Omnibus bills and legislation stopping or legislators from including 'Pork Barrel Spending' in order to bribe a fellow legislator(s) for their vote. Every bill MUST stand on its own!
■ Require a National Referendum vote on proposed Government run Entitlements or programs like Health Care, Cap & Trade etc...
■ Establish Electoral and Campaign Finance Reform
■ Impose Term Limits on Legislators, special interest group donations and campaign spending.
■ Legal Reform of our Justice System, TORT reform, create plaintiff legal fee, cost and damages liability act