Saturday, November 6, 2010

Mobilize Voters to Foil Obama's Socialist Agenda

If anybody doubts that panic is setting in at the White House, let them contemplate the meaning of reports that President Obama plans to call out his ragtag army of voters who gave him the presidency in 2008 in an effort to save his job when the voters go to the polls for November's congressional elections. Ben Smith writes on Politico that the Democratic National Committee released a video of Obama expressing his goal of "reconnecting" with the army of first-time voters who voted for him in 2008 "but who may not plan to vote in the lower-profile Congressional elections this year." This is no idle threat, and it could shatter the dreams of tea party supporters and the huge mass of discontented Americans who hope to use the November elections to put a roadblock in front of Obama's drive to remake America into a Marxist republic. Obama, writes Smith, "speaks with unusual demographic frankness about his coalition in his appeal to 'young people, African-Americans, Latinos and women who powered our victory in 2008 [to] stand together once again'." He adds that "turning out those so-called ‘surge’ voters — who turned out for the first time to back Obama but who sat out gubernatorial races in New Jersey and Virginia last year — has become the Democrats' central preoccupation for the midterm elections and the new Democratic effort to nationalize the election around Obama and his agenda mark an attempt to energize those voters." Aside from the fact that the Democratic targets of this appeal are traditionally loathe to bestir themselves to vote in congressional elections, if somehow successful, this effort could allow Obama to hold on to control of both houses of Congress for another two years. This is a threat that Republicans and tea partyers who share the goal of unseating large numbers of Democratic members of Congress must take seriously. The very future of our nation is at stake on Nov. 2. The Congress, dominated by the likes of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, must be driven off Capitol Hill if the United States is to survive as a nation of free and independent Americans unburdened by a big government that views the U.S. Constitution with contempt.
Source: NewsMax.Com to read entire article please Click Here 

Friday, November 5, 2010

Limbaugh: RINOs, Elites Won't Stop Palin

Conservative radio giant Rush Limbaugh said the strategy that GOP RINOs, the ruling elite, and the news media are using to blame former Gov. Sarah Palin and the tea party for being a detriment to the Republican Party during the 2010 midterm elections won’t work. On his national radio show Thursday, Limbaugh said the record number of House seats picked up by Republicans was due in no small part to Palin, who targeted 20 Democrats for defeat, 18 of whom lost.“What's going on here, folks, is very simple,” Limbaugh said. “They want to establish a lie very firmly in the minds of the public that the tea party hurt the Republican Party in these elections. They want to use this to stop Sarah Palin. Republican insiders are trying to figure out now how to stop Sarah Palin.” Limbaugh said he received several e-mails over the last few days from “so-called insiders” denying the GOP is trying to derail Palin’s chances at winning the party’s presidential nomination in 2012. “A bunch of the people named as trying to stop Sarah Palin sent me a note [saying], ‘It's not me, don't blame me.’ Well, fine, I don't care who it is, we know it is happening.”Limbaugh said the ill-advised plan to blame Palin and the tea party for splintering the GOP after a record pickup of seats by Republicans in the midterms turns reality on its head.  “If anybody is an obvious winner here . . . it would be Palin. Look at the grief and the mockery that she got for putting what the media claimed were targets on 20 Democrat incumbents on her website. Look at the grief that she's got ever since she was named McCain's running mate. Eighteen of those Democrats she targeted lost. That's a pretty amazing and impressive record. Sarah Palin targeted a bunch of Democrats for defeat, and 18 of them lost. That's more than any Republican elites are doing.” Limbaugh said the Republican Party blew its chance to win a Senate seat in Nevada, where tea party favorite Sharron Angle had a chance to unseat Democratic incumbent Harry Reid, when it decided to throw all its ground money to Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, who lost a senate bid to another candidate embraced by the tea party movement, Marco Rubio. “We [the tea party] didn't have any ground money in Nevada because we gave it to Carly Fiorina,” Limbaugh added about choices the GOP made in which candidates to support. “That's where a lot of the so-called ground-game money went. We didn't have any.

Senator McConnell: Democrats ‘Got a Report Card’ and ‘They Got an F’

( – Speaking at the Heritage Foundation on Thursday, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said the midterm elections were not about the GOP but about the party that has been in charge of both chambers of Congress and the White House for the last two years. “Tuesday’s election was not about Republicans, it was about the Democrats,” McConnell said. “They got a report card. They got an ‘F.’” When asked by what he believed should be the top priority for the new Congress when it is seated in January, the Senate Minority Leader ticked off three issues: “spending, debt and private sector job creation.” “[Voters] have taken a look at the effect of borrowing money from foreigners that will have to be paid back by our children and grandchildren and what kind of an impact that had on job creation,” McConnell said. “They don’t see much evidence of it.”
McConnell said that taxes would also be a priority, with Republicans planned to stop any tax increases from taking place in the lame duck session of Congress (November –December 2010) and would work to extend the Bush tax cuts. “The first thing we’ve got to do is make sure taxes don’t go up,” McConnell said. “So we have immediately before us, before the end of the year, a very serious question about whether or not we’re going to prevent a tax increase on anybody or anything at the first of the year,” he said. “That needs to be resolved first,” McConnell said, adding that tax reform was a more complicated issue that would take more time.
Source: CNSNews.Com By: Penny Starr to read the entire article please Click Here

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Senate GOP Leader McConnell Pledges Guerrilla Warfare to ‘Eliminate’ ObamaCare

( – Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) pledged that Republicans will do everything they can to roll back and “eliminate” the unpopular health care reform legislation that President Barack Obama signed into law in March, including taking it apart piece-by-piece if necessary. McConnell, speaking at the conservative Heritage Foundation on Thursday, said that Republicans in both chambers of Congress would attempt to repeal the bill in its entirety. Should that effort fail, Republicans will then turn to guerrilla tactics to stop the unpopular legislation. “On health care, that means we can, and should, propose and vote on straight repeal, repeatedly,” said McConnell. “But we can’t expect the president to sign it.” “So we’ll also have to work, in the House, on denying funds for implementation and, in the Senate, on votes against its most egregious provisions,” he said. “At the same time, we’ll need to continue educating the public about the ill-effects of this bill on individuals young and old, families, and small businesses.”
McConnell spoke directly about the Republicans’ limited ability to get rid of the new law, highlighting that Democrats still control the Senate and Obama is still president. McConnell sought to explain that Republicans will do what they can to carry out the mandate of Tuesday’s midterm victories while injecting a dose of “realism” into GOP exuberance.
Source: CNSNews.Com to read entire article please Click Here

Boehner Vows Republicans Will Do 'Everything We Can' to Repeal Obamacare

( – House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) hinted that House Republicans may try to use the upcoming appropriations process to de-fund President Obama’s health care "reform" law. Boehner, answering questions at a post-election press conference at the Capitol on Wednesday, was asked whether he would use the upcoming budget process to deprive the government of the funding necessary to implement the health care provisions.
Boehner said that the new GOP House majority will do “everything we can” to repeal and replace the unpopular law. “I believe that the health care bill that was enacted by the current Congress will kill jobs in America, ruin the best health care system in the world, and bankrupt our country. That means that we have to do everything we can to try to repeal this bill and replace it with commonsense reforms that will bring down the cost of health insurance.”
Because Congress has not passed a single appropriations bill for fiscal year 2011, which actually began Oct. 1, it will have to take them up during both the upcoming lame-duck session and the inaugural session of the newly elected Congress, where Boehner presumably will lead a Republican-dominated House.
Federal spending bills originate in the House and must be approved by the House in order to become law, giving Boehner and the GOP a prime opportunity to use the appropriations bills--particularly for the Health and Human Services Department--to starve the reform effort of funding.

Source: CNSNews.Com to read entire article please Click Here

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Rand Paul: We're Taking Our Government Back

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Kentucky voters made Rand Paul their next senator Tuesday in a convincing display of tea party strength that defied Democratic hopes and early Republican fears that his ultraconservative views made him unelectable. The eye doctor and son of libertarian-leaning GOP Rep. Ron Paul of Texas ran against President Barack Obama about as much as he did against his Democratic opponent, Jack Conway. Paul's condemnation of budget deficits, the economic stimulus and the health care overhaul resonated among voters even as Conway tried to portray him as too extreme and out of touch on such issues as taxes, entitlements and drug prevention. A triumphant Paul promised to take his agenda of limited government and balanced budgets to the Senate. "I have a message from the people of Kentucky, a message that is loud and clear and does not mince words: We've come to take our government back," Paul told hundreds of cheering supporters in his hometown of Bowling Green. It was the same message he delivered the night he won the primary thanks to tea party support."

Source: NewsMax.Com to read entire article Please Click Here

Conservative Voters Outnumbered Republicans, Democrats and Independents in Tuesday’s Election, Says Network Exit Poll

( - Self-identified conservatives were a larger share of the electorate in Tuesday's congressional elections than either self-identified Republicans or Democrats or Independents, according to the exit poll conducted for the major television networks by Edison Research. Of the Americans who voted in U.S. House elections on Tuesday, 41 percent said they were conservatives, 39 percent said they were moderates, and 20 percent said they were liberals. At the same time, only 36 percent said they were Republicans while 36 percent said they were Democrats and 28 percent who said they were Independents.Self-identified conservatives did not always vote for the Republican House candidate, according to the exit poll. Eighty-four percent said they did vote for a Republican, but 14 percent said they voted for a Democrat. Two percent of conservative voters told the exit poll they voted for a House candidate who was not a Republican or a Democrat or did not answer the question.
Source: to read entire article please Click Here