House Speaker Nancy Pelosi promised four years ago that Democrats would lead “the most honest, most open, most ethical Congress in history.” But as her party defends its record with its majority in jeopardy, two prominent Democrats await ethics trials. Two other party members gave Congressional Black Caucus Foundation scholarships to relatives. Most importantly, lobbyists, corporations and special interests still have unimpeded ways to buy access to members of Congress.Take House Majority Whip James Clyburn’s annual charity golf tournament, which provides college scholarships for needy students in his South Carolina district and funds the endowment he established at South Carolina State University. It sounds like a worthy cause, but it’s a stretch to believe that national companies which sponsored the event randomly chose students in the 6th District of South Carolina as a priority for charitable giving.This articleis made aailable to our readers by CNN News. To read the entire article please Click Here
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tea Party Express: O'Donnell can win without national GOP
CNN) – Amy Kremer, chairman of the Tea Party Express, is vowing an aggressive independent expenditure campaign in support of Delaware Republican Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell and says of national Republicans' chilly distance: "She can win without them." Speaking to CNN after O'Donnell's stunning upset victory, Kremer also predicted a wave of support from activists across the country: "We're behind her 100 percent and through technology people across the country are engaging in elections. I guarantee when people across the country hear comments from the national Republicans it will help with her fundraising." Some national Republicans have said they do not plan to put money into O'Donnell's race, arguing that she can't win in November. Shortly after her victory speech O'Donnell told CNN, "I would love their support but they're the same so-called experts who said I couldn't win the primary" and, laughing, made a dig: "They don't have a winning track record." Kremer echoed that message, telling CNN: "These people better start waking up and recognizing that people from out of the state can affect their future," adding "I wish they could put animosity aside because she's the true conservative but nothing surprises me out of the establishment these days." She points out that Joe Miller – the tea party candidate in Alaska – won his Senate primary despite being grossly outspent by the party-backed candidate. Her organization, the Tea Party Express, also backed Miller's candidacy. Kremer's organization has been enormously successful in backing insurgent candidates across the country this year. The Tea Party express ran ads, sent mailers, and organized rallies in support of O'Donnell - Kremer herself came to the state to help build support. She insists O'Donnell's victory is part of a national trend: "I'm extremely happy but not as surprised as everyone else because we have our pulse on America. Pundits need to pay attention to what's going on – it's not the establishment, it's the fire belly that's winning these elections and that can't be bought."
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Vulnerable House Democrats Declare Independence From Their Party’s Agenda

Gallup Poll Finds 30 Percent of Americans Now Support Tea Party
( – The number of Americans who say they identify with the Tea Party has remained remarkably consistent and not declined as the liberal media had predicted. A recent Gallup Poll (taken Aug. 27-30), finds that 30 percent of Americans say they are supporters of the Tea Party movement, while 27 percent say they are opponents – a 2 percent increase in support since March. The remainder were neutral or did not have an opinion. The finding is consistent with what Gallup has found in four separate polls this year. In March, (Mar. 26-28) Tea Partiers were 28 percent of the population. But in two others, one in May (taken May 1-16) the other in June (taken Jun. 11-13), Gallup said 30 percent of the population identified with the Tea Party movement. According to Gallup, people who identify with the Tea Party movement are representative of the public at large -- virtually identical in terms of age, race, educational background and employment status. This article is made available to our readers Courtesy of CNSNews.Com
Monday, September 27, 2010
Arizona's Govenor Brewer: 'We Want Our Borders Secure'
The challenge to a federal district court’s temporary injunction against parts of Arizona’s tough new immigration law should succeed, says Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, who’s leading the charge to overturn the ruling. “I feel confident we’re on the right track,” she told Newsmax.TV. “I believe the law is constitutional, and we’ll take it all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.” Brewer is encouraged by the support her effort has received from citizens around the country, both verbally and financially. Thanks to donations made by ordinary citizens through, the legal fund to fight the ruling has $3.7 million, she says.“We want our borders secure, and we want to stop the flow of illegal immigrants. I can’t say enough about the citizens throughout America who have come and supported us.”
The federal government has given Arizona little help in securing its borders, Brewer says. “They’ve done a pretty good job securing the borders in California and Texas, but in Arizona, they’ve just left us wide open,” she said. This article is made available to our readers Courtesy of NewsMax.Com to read the entire article and see the video with Arizona's Governor Jan Brewer please Click Here
Obama Again Omits ‘Creator’ When Speaking of ‘Inalienable Rights’ Cited in Declaration of Independence
Just seven days after he sparked controversy by omitting the word “Creator” when he closely paraphrased the passage from the Declaration of Independence that says all men “are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights,” President Barack Obama again omitted the Creator when speaking about the “inalienable rights” that “everybody is endowed with.” This time the president was speaking at a Sept. 22 fundraiser for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City, and his reference to “inalienable rights” was not as close a paraphrasing of the Declaration as it had been the week before. “And what was sustaining us was that sense that, that North Star, that sense that, you know what, if we stay true to our values, if we believe that all people are created equal and everybody is endowed with certain inalienable rights and we’re going to make those words live, and we’re going to give everybody opportunity, everybody a ladder into the middle class, every child able to go as far as their dreams will take them--if we stay true to that, then we’re going to be able to maintain the energy and the focus, the fight, the gumption to get stuff done,” Obama said at the DCCC/DSCC event, according to The Transcript posted by the White House. This article is made available to our readers Courtsey of CNSNews.Com to read the entire article please Click Here
Democrats Work to Hide Party Ties as Elections Draws Near
Rep. Dina Titus has been a loyal soldier in pushing the Democrats' ambitious agenda, voting for health care legislation, extended unemployment benefits, new energy taxes and a repeal of the military's ban on gays serving openly. Her campaign signs, however, proclaim Titus an "independent voice" for Nevadans. Aware that their stock has taken the same tumble as home values, Congress' most vulnerable Democrats are declaring their independence from their party's agenda in Facebook profiles, television advertisements, news interviews and campaign websites leading up to the Nov. 2 elections. That's when Republicans hope to retake control of the House they lost four years ago. The re-branders include Democratic Reps. Betsy Markey and John Salazar in Colorado, Zack Space in Ohio, Jason Altmire in Pennsylvania, Glenn Nye in Virginia and Joe Donnelly in Indiana. In Texas, Rep. Chet Edwards, once promoted as a potential running mate for Barack Obama, has become a vocal critic of his party's policies. The tactic could hurt Democratic turnout at a time when the party needs to protect its majority in Congress, some political strategists say. "They want to get turnout as high as possible among those who vote for Democrats," said Joseph Bafumi, a government professor at Dartmouth College. "Running away from the president or the party might not be the way to do it." This article provided to our readers Courtesy of TeaParty.Org NewsMax.Com to read entire article please Click Here
Sunday, September 26, 2010
House Republicans Pledge to ‘Establish Operational Control of Border,’ But Say Nothing about Border Fence, Worksite Enforcement or Amnesty
( - The Republicans in the U.S. House of Representative released “A Pledge to America” today, laying out agenda items they plan to pursue if they take control of Congress, that commits the party to “establishing operational control of the border” but makes no mention of border fencing, enforcing immigration laws at the worksites of employers who hire illegal aliens or whether the party under any circumstances would grant any form of amnesty to foreign nationals currently living in the United States illegally. By contrast, the 2008 Republican Platform, approved by the delegates at the 2008 Republican National Convention, committed the Republican Party to completing a border fence, enforcing immigration laws at the worksite and opposing an amnesty. This story made available to our readers Courtsey of CNSNews.Com to read the entire article please Click Here
Palin calls Obama 'Barack Hussein'
(CNN) - Sarah Palin and John McCain chastised their supporters in 2008 who used the president's full name – Barack Hussein Obama – in a derisive tone. Now it appears the former Alaska governor did just that. In an interview with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren Wednesday, Palin said the "lamestream media" is asking more questions about Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell's background than it ever did about "Barack Hussein Obama." "Funny… that we are learning more about Christine O'Donnell and her college years, her teenage years, and her financial dealings than anybody even bothered to ask about Barack Hussein Obama as a candidate and now as our president," Palin said. When a Florida sheriff who was introducing then-candidate Palin in 2008 also referred to the Democratic nominee for president as "Barack Hussein Obama," a Palin spokesperson quickly issued a statement condemning the remarks."We do not condone this inappropriate rhetoric which distracts from the real questions of judgment, character, and experience that voters will base their decisions on this November," the spokesperson said then. Of course, referring to the president's full name is on its face not a slur. But critics of the usage have long suggested detractors who use the president's full name are doing so to suggest the president is something other than American. This Story Courtsey of CNN News
Sanchez ‘Can’t Answer in 30 Seconds’ Whether She’s Committed to Securing Border against Drugs
( - When asked whether she was committed to securing the U.S.-Mexico border against drug trafficking and other crimes and when Congress could accomplish this goal, Rep. Linda Sánchez (D-Calif.) did not say but remarked that it was a question that could not be answered in 30 seconds. On Wednesday, asked Sánchez, who lives in a state with a large illegal immigrant population, the following: “Are you committed to securing the southwest border against the influx of illegal drugs, human smuggling, and other border-related problems and, if so, when can we expect Congress to get that done?”( - When asked whether she was committed to securing the U.S.-Mexico border against drug trafficking and other crimes and when Congress could accomplish this goal, Rep. Linda Sánchez (D-Calif.) did not say but remarked that it was a question that could not be answered in 30 seconds. On Wednesday, asked Sánchez, who lives in a state with a large illegal immigrant population, the following: “Are you committed to securing the southwest border against the influx of illegal drugs, human smuggling, and other border-related problems and, if so, when can we expect Congress to get that done?” This article was made available to our readers courtsey of CNSNews.Com to read the entire article please Click Here
Border District Congressman: DREAM Act Ought To Be ‘Part of a Comprehensive Immigration Reform Package’
( – Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-Tx.), a former border patrol chief who represents the largest community along the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas, told that the DREAM Act is necessary but “it’s got to be part of a comprehensive immigration reform package.” Rep. Reyes’s comments came a day after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) announced that he would include the DREAM Act as an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill expected to be taken up next week. talked to Reyes on Wednesday at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s 33rd Annual Award Gala in Washington D.C. The “DREAM Act I think it’s something we need to do, but I think it’s got to be part of a comprehensive immigration reform package,” said Reyes, the chairman of the influential House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, which governs and funds the U.S. Intelligence Community’s National Security Agency. This article was made available to our reader courtsey of CNSNews.Com to read the entire article please Click Here
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The American Reform Party Wants to Endorse Your Candidacy
Never before in our Country's history has an independent candidate had a better chance of being elected to public office then now. Enhance your candidacy for success with greater political presence and voter acceptance when you run on a unified common sense platform with National voter support.WE WANT YOU to make the difference!
Candidates seeking public office in any part of the United States, at any level of government, can request our endorsement by submitting the online endorsement request form to our Electoral Selection Committee for evaluation. You do not have to be a member of the party or any other party to do so.
Obtaining the Endorsement of the American Reform Party
The American Reform Party is actively seeking and encouraging qualified candidates to run for public office at all levels of Local, State and Federal Government throughout the country. We encourage any individual, whether Independent, Republican or Democrat who supports our Party's Principles and Platform to seek our endorsement and the support of our membership in obtaining public office.Your application is reviewed and evaluated by the ESC after which it will make a detailed recommendation to our National Chair. who in turn puts forth to our National Committee a motion to endorse. Upon a majority approval, the candidate will is then receive an official letter of endorsement from the Party Secretary. For complete details Click Here
"Remember Our Heroes, Freedom Isn't Free."
Dale Robertson is a man of courage and conviction, a rare commodity in today's topsy-turvy world. Dale, is the Founder of the modern day Tea Party and also President of Dale Robertson, a public speaker, a family man with a wife and 5 children, has lead Tea Party rallies across America from its inception. Initially Dale served his nation first as a U.S. Marine. After completing his duties with the Corps, he reenlisted into the U.S. Navy and became a U.S. Naval Officer. During his distinguished time of service, Dale's Battle Group was first to the scene on 9/11 as well as first to launch an offensive in Afghanistan. He was stationed on the USS Sacramento which was the life blood of the Battle Group. He faithfully served our nation with Honor and Integrity, retiring after 22 years.
Dale, is the progeny of a long list of heroes, being 1 of 5 children he assumed the responsibility of the protector of the family after his father's early demise. His father was a decorated Korean War hero suffering as a double amputee Veteran. As a child, Dale proved himself by assisting his step-father, a decorated Vietnam Veteran, who suffered from the result of his tour of Duty. While caring for the family, Dale was an inspirational player in one of the most successful High School sport teams. His history included facing down ethnic gang members while protecting the innocent and the U.S. flag. To find out more about Dale and Tea please Click Here
Tea Party Group Announces $1 Million Donation
Washington (AP) - A tea party group announced a $1 million donation from an anonymous donor Tuesday, a shot of cash to be spent before the election by a movement that has relied on grassroots outreach to fiscally conservative voters.
The nonprofit Tea Party Patriots said it had received the donation from a single contributor who wants it divided up and given to local coordinators by Oct. 4. The group's spokesman told reporters that recipients of the money must spend it by Nov. 2, but they are barred from using it for ads or fliers that mention a specific candidate. Organizers said the donor wished to remain anonymous. The Tea Party Patriots is one of several groups that have capitalized on a wave of voter anger and their message of fiscal prudence and smaller government. Candidates backed by tea party groups defeated Republican Party backed candidates in a number of Senate primary races. To read entire article please Click Here Article made available Courtsey of CNSNews.Com and Associated Press.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Fundamental Change Under Obama or The Destruction of America
President Obama during his presidential campaign for office promised to bring "..fundamental change" if he where elected. At the time all Americans,rightfully so, were thoroughly disgusted with the lack of responsible government in Washington. We were so angered in the direction our country had taken over the past twenty years and wanted real change so much, to bring an end to the out of control politics in DC, that we fell for Obama's trap and rhetoric he was spinning and promising. We all thought his idea of change was for politics in DC with both a fiscally responsible Federal government and elected representative who would use common sense while staunchly uphold our Constitution.
Never, in most Americans wildest dreams did we think, not even for one moment, that what President Obama actually had in mind, was in fact a radical shift in everything our country and Constitution stands for by leading us down a path of Marxist/Socialist policies that historically has been repeatedly proven as oppressive and has always failed. Here is a brief list of Obama's plan for "Fundamental Change in America" and the results all Americans can expect if we allow him and other Progressive Democrats and Republicans to implement. to Read the entire article please Click Here this article is made available to our readers courtesy of the American Reform Party To become a member of the American Reform Party Click Here
A Political & Economic Summary of Our Party Objectives
A Political & Economic Summary of Our Party Objectives
■ Require and restore trust, integrity and common sense in government and its elected officials with greater accountability to its people.
■ Establish a Constitutional Amendment requiring government to operate under a Balanced Budget
■ Insist on strict adherence and interpretation of our Constitution by our representatives as intended by our Nation's Founders
■ Reduce the size, scope and control of our government over economic, business, entitlements and personal sectors
■ Reduce the size, scope and control of our government over economic, business, entitlements and personal sectors
■ Demand and Institute long-term fiscal spending policies to insure inter-generational equity
■ Establish and enact a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution
■ Replace the existing Tax Code with either a national sales tax or Flat tax on all individuals and business while creating special incentive programs to encourage industrial growth and employment
■ Require Social Security, Medicare and Grant program reform eliminating the over $180 Billion dollars of entitlement fraud
■ Government to immediately begin to repay the borrowed trust funds to Social Security program
■ Government to begin paying down the national debit
■ Require Annual Auditing of the Federal Reserve
■ Eliminate the further use of Omnibus bills and legislation stopping or legislators from including 'Pork Barrel Spending' in order to bribe a fellow legislator(s) for their vote. Every bill MUST stand on its own!
■ Require a National Referendum vote on proposed Government run Entitlements or programs like Health Care, Cap & Trade etc...
■ Establish Electoral and Campaign Finance Reform
■ Impose Term Limits on Legislators, special interest group donations and campaign spending.
■ Legal Reform of our Justice System, TORT reform, create plaintiff legal fee, cost and damages liability act
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Who We Are and What We Believe
Americans Under Siege is a group of college students that are tired of the propaganda and broken campaign promises of both the Republican and Democratic parties. We sincerley believe that its time to shake up the establishment and return control of this country back to the people. We have also been asked numerous time sine we began this blog, what our political affiliation is. We are extremely proud to say that all of us here at Americans Under Siege are members of the TeaParty. If you don't know what the TeaParty is the following is our philosphy and our core beliefs and values.The Tea Party is a grassroots movement that calls awareness to any issue that challenges the security, sovereignty, or domestic tranquility of our beloved nation, the United States of America. From our founding, the Tea Party is the voice of the true owners of the United States, WE THE PEOPLE. Many claim to be the founders of this movement — however, it was the brave souls of the men and women in 1773, known today as the Boston Tea Party, who dared defy the greatest military might on earth. We are the beneficiaries of their courage. By joining the Tea Party, you are taking a stand for our nation. You will be upholding the grand principles set forth in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. If you would like to join us in our fight to return the government of this great nation to its rightful owners THE PEOPLE please take a few moments to Join TeaParty Now
Non-negotiable core beliefs
1. Illegal Aliens Are Here illegally.
2. Pro-Domestic Employment Is Indispensable.
3. Stronger Military Is Essential.
4. Special Interests Eliminated.
5. Gun Ownership Is Sacred.
6. Government Must Be Downsized.
7. National Budget Must Be Balanced.
8. Deficit Spending Will End.
9. Bail-out And Stimulus Plans Are Illegal.
10. Reduce Personal Income Taxes A Must.
11. Reduce Business Income Taxes Is Mandatory.
12. Political Offices Available To Average Citizens.
13. Intrusive Government Stopped.
14. English As Core Language Is Required.
15. Traditional Family Values Are Encouraged.
16. Common Sense Constitutional
17. Conservative Self-Governance
If you agree with the seventeen statements listed above please help us here at Americans Under Siege and every other member of the TeaParty to return this country to its rightful owners THE PEOPLE now before its to late.
Huckabee: Obama Should Condemn Muslim Fatwa That Sent American Cartoonist into Hiding
Washington ( – Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Friday that President Barack Obama should denounce the fatwa issued by a Muslim-American cleric that has sent an American cartoonist into hiding. He also said that there is a double standard at work; that insults to Islam are treated differently than insults to Christianity. asked Huckabee in an interview: “About the fatwa put on an American cartoonist, do you think President Obama should denounce that?” He responded, “Of course he should.”
“Every freedom-loving person should,” Huckabee said. “This is a country where we are supposed to be able to clearly have the right to speak and even be offensive.” Huckabee said. “And it’s interesting that the same people who want to accommodate people who say the most vicious, horrific things about Christians , but if someone says something bad about Muslims somehow find a different set of rules applies to them. That’s just fundamentally wrong." This article was proveded to Courtsey of CNSNews.Com to read entire article Please Click Here
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Barack Obama's Secret Agenda to Destroy the United States of America
It has been nearly two years since Barack Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States of America. Both his Candace and presidency have been deeply steeped in controversy, and he has single handedly placed in motion several critical steps in his, or his puppet masters secret agenda to destroy this country and make it part of a one world nation. That's right I said puppet master, because even with all the charisma and education he "President Obama" possesses he is still nothing more then a puppet for the financial elite in the U.S. and other Countries around the world who support a one world government and banking system. That of course would be controlled by these same financially elite individuals around the world. As is evidenced by the video that accompanies this post. Please take a few minutes to view it before continuing with the rest of this article because it justifies or qualifies the statements made about President Obama in the body of its text.
Being a child of the early 60's I grew up under the impression that the U.S. government was supposed to be of the people, for the people and by the people. The only part of this philosophy or statement that is true about the Obama administration is the portion by the people, but by which people? was it really the people of the United States or was Obama's road to the White House bought and paid for by the financial elite of the world with the idea in mind that they would be able use him as a puppet to carry out their agenda, which is to create a one nation world that they would control.
Being a child of this era I was taught by my parents to listen to my elders and respect the wisdom they have gained through life experience. I have conversations with them frequently, to get their opinions on political issues, facing the citizens of this country and several have predicted many of the things that have come to pass in the first two years of Obama's presidency. And it also looks as if some of their worst predictions are in the process of taking place now or will happen if Obama is elected to a second term in office in the presidential election in 2012.
Harry Reid’s Illegal Alien Student Bailout

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced this week that he’s attaching the DREAM Act to the defense authorization bill. With ethnic activists breathing down his neck and President Obama pushing to fulfill his campaign promise to Hispanics, Reid wants his queasy colleagues to vote on the legislation next week.
Open-borders lawmakers have tried and failed to pass the DREAM Act through regular channels for the past decade. That’s because informed voters know giving green cards to illegal alien students undermines the rule of law, creates more illegal immigration incentives and grants preferential treatment to illegal alien students over law-abiding native and naturalized American students struggling to get an education in tough economic times. This bad idea is compounded by a companion proposal to recruit more illegal aliens into the military with the lure of citizenship (a fraud-ridden and reckless practice countenanced under the Bush administration).DREAM Act lobbyists are spotlighting heart-wrenching stories of high-achieving teens brought to this country when they were toddlers. But instead of arguing for case-by-case dispensations, the protesters want blanket pardons.
The broadly drafted Senate bill would confer benefits on applicants up to age 35, and the House bill contains no age ceiling at all. The academic achievement requirements are minimal. Moreover, illegal aliens who didn’t arrive in the country until they turned 15 -- after they laid down significant roots in their home country—would be eligible for DREAM Act benefits and eventual U.S. citizenship. And like past amnesty packages, the Democratic plan is devoid of any concrete eligibility and enforcement mechanisms to deter already-rampant immigration benefit fraud.This article was provided by CNSNews.Com to read the entire article please Click Here. We at Americans Under Siege are all college students and feel that this bill will only allow illegal immigrants to over burden an already over taxed public college system making it harder on individuals like ourselves to get a education that we deserve as taxpaying citizens of this country.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Free Education For Illegal Aliens Your Joking Right? I Guess Not !!!

“I think it’s really important that we move forward on this legislation I’ve tried to work on," Reid said at a news conference on Tuesday. "I know we can’t do comprehensive immigration reform. I’ve tried to, I’ve tried so very, very hard. I’ve tried different iterations of this, but those Republicans we had in the last Congress have left us,” Reid said at the Capitol Hill news conference.
“We have large numbers of our military who are Hispanic. I think it’s really important that we move forward on this legislation,” he also said, while explaining what the DREAM ACT does, Reid said, “Boys and girls who come to our country before age 16 and have been here for five years should be able to go to a state school. Remember they don’t get Pell grants and all this, but if they spend a couple of years and get their GED or if they have a high school diploma already and many of them do and they complete a couple of years of college, they can have their status readjusted and get a green card.” This article was made available to our readers by CNSNews.Com to read the complete article.Click Here
Monday, September 13, 2010
U.S. and Saudis Close to Largest Arms Deal Ever
The United States may be on the verge of its largest arms sale ever, a package of aircraft and weapons systems for Saudi Arabia that could total $60 billion when the final bill is done, according to a report in Monday’s Wall Street Journal. If completed, the deal could also generate more than 75,000 jobs, the Journal reported. The Obama administration is expected to notify Congress of the planned sale this week, according to the Journal report. Production would take place over five to 10 years, the Journal said. Key components of the sale would be Boeing F-15 fighter jets – as many as 84 new ones and the refurbishment of 70 others – and helicopters including 70 Apaches, 72 Black Hawks and three dozen Little Birds.
Discussions are also under way over naval and missile defense systems for the Saudis, the Journal reported.
Meanwhile, Boeing is a contender in another F-15 sale, this time to South Korea.
The Korea Times reported Monday that the Pentagon has approved a Boeing request to market a stealth version of the F-15, dubbed the Silent Eagle, to Seoul. The Times points out, however, that Lockheed-Martin’s F-35 Lightning and the Eurofighter Typhoon may be stronger contenders to win a South Korean order for 60 fighter jets.
Obama Urged to Confront Islamic States on Religious Freedom
At a time when religious tolerance is in the spotlight globally, President Obama should challenge Islamic governments to lift restrictions on religious freedom that target non-Muslim minorities some activists say. Florida Pastor Terry Jones ended up dropping plans to burn Qurans on the anniversary of 9/11, but his campaign generated worldwide controversy, amid a rolling debate over plans to build a mosque and Islamic culture center near Ground Zero in New York City.
U.S. leaders from Obama down have spoken out on both issues, appealing for religious tolerance. Some of the countries that have been the most vocal about the threatened Quran burning also are among those where intolerance of religious minorities is widespread and often state sanctioned, according to religious advocacy groups. To read this entire article please visit our content providers web site by clicking on their name. Article Courtesy of CNS News.Com
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