Americans Under Siege is a group of college students that are tired of the propaganda and broken campaign promises of both the Republican and Democratic parties. We sincerley believe that its time to shake up the establishment and return control of this country back to the people. We have also been asked numerous time sine we began this blog, what our political affiliation is. We are extremely proud to say that all of us here at Americans Under Siege are members of the TeaParty. If you don't know what the TeaParty is the following is our philosphy and our core beliefs and values.The Tea Party is a grassroots movement that calls awareness to any issue that challenges the security, sovereignty, or domestic tranquility of our beloved nation, the United States of America. From our founding, the Tea Party is the voice of the true owners of the United States, WE THE PEOPLE. Many claim to be the founders of this movement — however, it was the brave souls of the men and women in 1773, known today as the Boston Tea Party, who dared defy the greatest military might on earth. We are the beneficiaries of their courage. By joining the Tea Party, you are taking a stand for our nation. You will be upholding the grand principles set forth in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. If you would like to join us in our fight to return the government of this great nation to its rightful owners THE PEOPLE please take a few moments to Join TeaParty Now
Non-negotiable core beliefs
1. Illegal Aliens Are Here illegally.
2. Pro-Domestic Employment Is Indispensable.
3. Stronger Military Is Essential.
4. Special Interests Eliminated.
5. Gun Ownership Is Sacred.
6. Government Must Be Downsized.
7. National Budget Must Be Balanced.
8. Deficit Spending Will End.
9. Bail-out And Stimulus Plans Are Illegal.
10. Reduce Personal Income Taxes A Must.
11. Reduce Business Income Taxes Is Mandatory.
12. Political Offices Available To Average Citizens.
13. Intrusive Government Stopped.
14. English As Core Language Is Required.
15. Traditional Family Values Are Encouraged.
16. Common Sense Constitutional
17. Conservative Self-Governance
If you agree with the seventeen statements listed above please help us here at Americans Under Siege and every other member of the TeaParty to return this country to its rightful owners THE PEOPLE now before its to late.
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