Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Remember Our Heroes, Freedom Isn't Free."

Dale Robertson is a man of courage and conviction, a rare commodity in today's topsy-turvy world. Dale, is the Founder of the modern day Tea Party and also President of Dale Robertson, a public speaker, a family man with a wife and 5 children, has lead Tea Party rallies across America from its inception. Initially Dale served his nation first as a U.S. Marine. After completing his duties with the Corps, he reenlisted into the U.S. Navy and became a U.S. Naval Officer. During his distinguished time of service, Dale's Battle Group was first to the scene on 9/11 as well as first to launch an offensive in Afghanistan. He was stationed on the USS Sacramento which was the life blood of the Battle Group. He faithfully served our nation with Honor and Integrity, retiring after 22 years.
Dale, is the progeny of a long list of heroes, being 1 of 5 children he assumed the responsibility of the protector of the family after his father's early demise. His father was a decorated Korean War hero suffering as a double amputee Veteran. As a child, Dale proved himself by assisting his step-father, a decorated Vietnam Veteran, who suffered from the result of his tour of Duty. While caring for the family, Dale was an inspirational player in one of the most successful High School sport teams. His history included facing down ethnic gang members while protecting the innocent and the U.S. flag. To find out more about Dale and Tea please Click Here

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