Saturday, September 18, 2010

Barack Obama's Secret Agenda to Destroy the United States of America

It has been nearly two years since Barack Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States of America. Both his Candace and presidency have been deeply steeped in controversy, and he has single handedly placed in motion several critical steps in his, or his puppet masters secret agenda to destroy this country and make it part of  a one world nation. That's right I said puppet master, because even with  all the charisma and education he "President Obama" possesses he is still nothing more then a puppet for the financial elite in the U.S. and other Countries around the world who support a one world government and banking system. That of course would be controlled by these same financially elite individuals around the world. As is evidenced by the video that accompanies this post. Please take a few minutes to view it before continuing with the rest of this article because it justifies or qualifies the statements made about President Obama in the body of its text.

Being a child of the early 60's I grew up under the impression that the U.S. government was supposed to be of the people, for the people and by the people. The only part of this philosophy or statement that is true about the Obama administration is the portion by the people, but by which people? was it really the people of the United States or was Obama's road to the White House bought and paid for by the financial elite of the world with the idea in mind that they would be able use him as a puppet to carry out their agenda, which is to create a one nation world that they would control.
Being a child of this era I was taught by my parents to listen to my elders and respect the wisdom they have gained through life experience. I have conversations with them frequently, to get their opinions on political issues, facing the citizens of this country and several have predicted many of the things that have come to pass in the first two years of Obama's presidency. And it also looks as if some of their worst predictions are in the process of taking place now or will happen if Obama is elected to a second term in office in the presidential election in 2012.

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