Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Flag of Islam Will Fly Over the White House

Americans, especially the Left, have this odd disposition of not believing what other people tell us about themselves. It took a long time before Americans finally believed what Hitler and the Nazis had said about their empire ambitions and about the Jews. Today, we’re doing it again — not taking seriously what Muslims say about Islam and their intent. Anjem Choudary is a radical Muslim and spokesman for the now-banned extremist Islamist group Islam4UK. Trained as a lawyer, Choudary praises Muslim terrorists and recruits Muslim trainees leaving the UK to fight abroad. Their training involves guns and live ammunition. Choudary is not from some Arabic country in the Middle East. Instead, he’s a home grown fanatic, born in 1967 in Welling, England.
In this video Choudary says the following:
“Islam has a solution for all the problems mankind faces…. This idea that you have moderate Muslims and radical Muslims is complete nonsense. A Muslim is one who submits to the commands of the Creator. If he submits, he’s a practicing Muslim. If he does not, then he should be practicing…you can’t be a non-practicing vegetarian. Therefore, similarly if you’re a Muslim, you submit to the Sharia…. We do believe as Muslims that the East and the West will one day be governed by Sharia. Indeed, we believe that the flag of Islam will one day fly over the White House.”

Source: Fellowship of The Minds To read the entire article please Click Here

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