Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Trucks Encircle ABC, CBS, NBC, Challenge ‘Liberal’ Media to ‘Tell The Truth’

(CNSNews.com) – Four billboard trucks bearing the message “Stop the Liberal Bias, Tell the Truth!” began circling the Manhattan headquarters of ABC, CBS, NBC, and the New York Times on Friday. The trucks will do so for eight hours every weekday for the next four weeks as part of a campaign run by the Media Research Center, a watchdog group that analyzes the media for liberal bias.
Similar trucks also are operating in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, passing the offices of the broadcast networks, the Washington Post, CNN, the Newseum, the National Press Club and Politico, and ads about the campaign are running on numerous Web sites and on conservative talk radio programs.L. Brent Bozell III, president of the Media Research Center (MRC), the parent organization of CNSNews.com, said the goal of this 2010 “Tell the Truth!” campaign “is simple: to force the liberals in the media to stop pushing an agenda and just tell the truth.”
The “liberal media news networks” need to report the facts about “massive growth in government and its control over our lives, and about spending, deficits and debt,” he told CNSNews.com. “They also need to tell the truth about the efforts to turn our country into a European-style Socialist state.”In a video about the campaign on the MRC Web site, Bozell said, “We can’t stop our efforts, we’ve got to maintain that intensity of letting the American people know exactly the fact that the socialist agenda of the Obama administration is being pushed by those same people who then look at you in the camera and say, ‘I’m nothing but an objective journalist.’ No, they’re not. They’re participants.”Concerning the billboard trucks in Manhattan, each side of one truck says, “Hey CBS, Stop the Liberal Bias, Tell the Truth!”  and the back of the truck says, “Honk If You Don’t Believe The Liberal Media.”  The other trucks bear the same message but directed at ABC, NBC, and the New York Times.
In Washington, D.C., there are also 12 delivery trucks with an identical message. But, as rented ad space, they will run their daily routes in the metro area. Six trucks are also scheduled to run in Denver, Colo. The MRC launched the 2010 “Tell The Truth!” campaign in September and, in addition to the truck ads, the watchdog group is running similar ads on the conservative Web sites Rush Limbaugh.com, MarkLevinShow.com, The Drudge Report and Hannity.com. Also, the MRC is posting billboard ads of its “Tell the Truth!” message in nine cities, including Pittsburgh, Little Rock, Las Vegas, Dallas, Orlando, Seattle and Milwaukee.  TV ads will be broadcast on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity” program. Further, throughout this month an ad will run on the popular conservative talk radio program The Mark Levin Show.
Source: CNSNews.Com To read entire article please Click Here

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