Friday, October 15, 2010

Sharron Angle Tells Harry Reid to ‘Man Up’ in Contentious Debate

Las Vegas (AP) - Sixty minutes, two candidates and not a single moment of agreement. Instead, Republican Sharron Angle taunted Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to "man up" Thursday night in their only debate of a close, caustic and costly race. Speaking more softly, Reid called her extreme, an ally of the special interests and advocate for jettisoning government agencies that millions of Nevadans rely on. "We can't trust you with taxes," the tea party-backed Angle said near the end of their 60 shared minutes on a debate stage, returning to an allegation made nearly an hour earlier that he had voted to raise taxes 300 times. Reid said in fact he and fellow Democrats had voted to cut taxes for 95 percent of all Nevadans and Americans in the past two years, and to reduce the burden on small businesses eight times. Later, it was his turn to attack, blending the national and the local as he did. Angle "wants to privatize the Veterans Administration. Think about that," he said, adding that a new state-of-the-art VA hospital would soon open in the state, the first in decades. "I worked hard on it," he said, referring to a facility that will be available to serve Nevada's estimated 246,000 military veterans
Source: CNSNews.Com to read entire article Click Here

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